Foundational energetic patterns of traditional healing arts
This is the first manual in a series on the healing arts and traditional plant sciences.
The contents of the manual are:
This Manual can be read with the Pharmacognosis course, which provides a solid frame work to really study and be able to Integrate the book as a living working manual to your practice. To find out more information and join the course
Siddha Sciences Pharmacognosis series
Natural power, wisdom, and knowledge of plants, minerals, and mushrooms.
This is an introduction manual in a series of manuals addressing the following subjects:
- Foundational energetic patterns of traditional healing arts
- Astro and alchemical foundations to healing arts
- Pharmacopoeia and Materia Medica
- Mysticism and plant spirit medicine
- Wildcrafting and forest building
These above trainings can be found on the workshop page
Lapis Lazuli