This section will provide links to essential works on Spagyrics and associated sciences. 


Siddha Sciences has published a concise text entitled Pharmacognosis Foundational energetic patterns of traditional healing arts

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Hail to the Supreme Masters, reflections on insect life

This great day, the Birthday of Lord Buddha, the Birthday of the great Tantrik Guru Shrii Shrii Aanada murti.  This day always is on the full moon in May.  All the masters, all the teachers, all those that guide you in the pursuit of the ultimate truth, hold them in your hearts, be devoted to the real teachings they convey.  Never stop to expand your mind  beyond the beyond, beyond all the illusive fractions of your being that hold you back from your divine state of being. 

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Siddha Relevations

The time has now come where all sides have been crossed, where all spells have been cast, and where the grim is getting grimmer, and where the great is getting greater. 

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Time Place and Person

Place is associated with three fundamental positions, that based on the anthropogenic and geospheric conditioning, and that based on the astronomical

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The Basilicum

Indeed the one who seeks shall at one point find!  So why wait, but haste, oh dear one be stead fast.  Has the master screamed the song in your ear?  have you listened?  All around indeed is  the Basilicum of natures wonders, as it has been said over and over.  Why has the original path of the devotee been that of divine pride?  For it is indeed true, they have known the worth of their own inner mystery, in fact they have guarded it and protected it with the true seal of the sanctum.

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