Pusatilla pratensis Fresh tincture extract 1:2
30 ml = 300 kr
10 ml = 110 kr

Pulsatilla is used by the old eclectic physicians. It has an extensive monograph in the 1898 Kings American dispensatory. It is an old remedy that’s powerful and should not be overlooked. There is confusion whether the plant should be used fresh or dry but indeed one should use it fresh as a low-dose herb in tincture form. It works on nervousness Of all kinds and also perversion.
It has signatures for the crown chakra, further it’s a Venusian remedy. This plant does cause toxicity if taken in too high of a dose. Likes sandy and open windy areas. It is coming up in April and May, it’s a perennial, slightly endangered, and is very sensitive to ecological disturbances. It furls up its crown after its illumination of flowering, this is the signature for the crown chakra, that moves the primordial Kula Kundalini Shakti (sexual) energy through the central wind channel, for a calmly balanced illumination, with guidance, hope, and renewed sense of perception where the nerves and the heart are restored. Where we can than relate and perceive with the beauty of all life and our “significant” other! Thus it can restore a heart broken, frivolous and nerve wrecked, and a down right run down persona.