Place is associated with three fundamental positions, that based on the anthropogenic and geospheric conditioning, and that based on the astronomical
This is largely associated to all the facets that occupy a culture.
This is based on a geographic position, and represents the natural biospheric expression that the area is subjected to through the natural forcing of geophysical processes.
This denotes the planet Earth’s place in the universe; Earth is in the Virgo super cluster, in the local group, in the galaxy called the milky way section called Orions arm where the earth is part of a solar system, with several other planets, based around the star Helios https://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/62-What-is-Earth-s-location-in-space-
Time is associated to past, present, and future. This is expressed in two ways, the anthropogenic model of time and the Geospheric model of time
The anthropogenic notion of time is how an individual or collective body views, interprets, reflects, and learns from the past present and future. This is largely based on the evolution and development of cultural.
Anthropogenic interpretation of the past
The past is the associated memory or recorded history, the so-called lesson learned (or to be learned) and the data collected. This is something that has already happen based on a relativistic model. This relativistic model is simply based on the question, can an individual or group prove that some thing for sure happened? There is a spectrum of this, based on a circumstance of how well or not a historical happening can be proven; some are easier, and some are more difficult; this is solely based on the ability to accumulate evidence. Thus , the further back in time we go, evidence begins to degrade and only the most chemically and physically stable substances will remain, that often tell very little of the actual time period the evidence is denoted to happen in.
The Anthropogenic interpretation of the past can be further be broken up into two aspects that of natural sciences and that of sociological conditioning. Trying to decode historical events in deep time is associated with principles established within geophysics. This in turn can give elaborate explanations of the “why” and the “how” certain geophysical processes in the past have occurred. These are largely based on proxies or indirect cause in effect observations, where an inference is used to determine a cause, in relationship to the actual effect observed. This is very important within paleoclimatology, plate tectonics, pole reversal and pole wandering paths, paleontology, rates of radioactive decay etc. From a geophysical perspective, the past is nothing more than using the circumference of the earth at equator divided by the speed of rotation of the earth from sun rise to sun rise. Based on the result of that answer, with the answer being that of one day, would be used to answer the question how many days are in one year, the time in which the earth travels around the sun. The answer was determined long ago by ancient cultures that were able to observe the shortest and longest days of the year, these were determined by the solstices. Which has since been validated by scientific explanations of astronomy. After it was established how many days where in a solar year, detail historical records where established based one a wide variety of proxies both within the humanities and social sciences. Further discovery was made in 129 BC of the progression of the equinox’s, which turned out to be approximately 25,772 years, or about 1 degree of arc every 72 years. There is also precession of the ecliptic. Which tells another important story of time.
In fact, there is still a lot of confusion about the dates of events and how to treat the recorded past. For example, we have the various terms such as BC or BP. BC or before Crist is based on the latin "anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini. Thus, through the historical records this was established, and from the time we are living in today, 2021, it would then calculate to 2021 years ago to reach the end of BC. This means we reach the before Christ time periods very tail end. The second example given is BP, Before Present. BP is used in natural sciences which indicates the time period in history, year 1950 AD, that radiocarbon dating was introduced. Thus, when something gets dated at 2000 BP, it means 2000 solar years before the year 1950 AD. This practice of dating with BP is very prevalent within the scientific literature. Further we get other scientific nomenclature such as “b2k”, where the b is before, the 2 is 2, and the k is kilo, indicate a metric of 1000. So before the year 2000 is “b2k”. This was introduced by https://www.iceandclimate.nbi.ku.dk/research/strat_dating/annual_layer_count/gicc05_time_scale/. Thus, it is clear the situation does get a bit messy. In summary the Anthropic notion of the past can assess both cultural phenomenology and that of natural phenomena whether it be astronomical or part of the geophysical earth processes.
Anthropogenic interpretation of the present and the future
The Anthropic notion of the present is whatever is happening at any given moment in time. It has been clearly outlined that learned memory of the past dictates the present, which in essence dictates the future. Thus, on a geophysical level, the future is actually the ongoing continuous momentum of Earth and any other wavelengths, elemental particles, or magnetic-electrical inputs of the star Helios or associated cosmological input the earth is subjected to, in the astronomical space it occupies. Figure 2 from Nasa https://images.nasa.gov/details-GSFC_20171208_Archive_e002115

The star Helios (Sun) with the eruption of a CME, and the magnetic mushroom field surrounding the earth, image from nasa
This research is classifying the human organism as composed of the physical, psychic, and spiritual. These three compositions are inseparable and are always intermingling. Further, several person’s make a group, organization, clan, state, or whatever type of affinity one wishes to denote, it means more than one.
Body of a person
The body of person is the elaborate ongoing analysis of the physical body that has been happening from time immemorial. The development of this science as a body (forgive the pun) of understanding, originally started off as an art and has since merged into a science of human physiology. This has facilitated a bio-chemical and genetic modeling and evolutionary understanding of the human organism in itself. We can trace our biological evolution through the phytogenic tree of biology to help understand the origination (development through time and place). As had long been believed Homo sapiens came out of Africa. This has been clearly opposed by the phylogenetic evidence that the Homo sapiens proper evolved from the central Eurasian ranges around 850,000 BP (Árnason & Hallström, 2020).

Phylogenetic Dispersal of the Homo Sapiens out of the central Eurasian Plateau (Árnason & Hallström, 2020)
Mind of a Person
The mind of a person has a bridge to the brain (the bridge works both ways), the endocrine system and other general bodily functions that could be termed as a type of psychophysiological functioning. Thus, there is a strong connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind. The mind is also closely linked to the emotional state of a person. The mind is understood from a variety of positions throughout historical time. In fact, the more humans make an analysis of human behavior and the cultural appropriation of human activity in the time space continuum, the more we get a perspective regarding the qualities of the mind, and the more it is realized the deep complexity and capacity of the mind, not only for art, music, literature, but also to the ability of language syntax’s, observing natural phenomena, and problem solving. The mind is responsible for forming coherent thoughts and the ability to express them (written, verbal, etc.), for the ability to concentrate, the ability to memorize, it is associated with certain behavioral characteristics, ranging from pathological illness to healthy balanced routines. Examples of pathological illness include schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, Capgras (eating inedible objects), clinical lycanthropy (the individual belief or experience of turning into an animal), etc. A healthy and balanced person is consistent in their behavior, they have altruistic and compassionate tendencies, communicate clearly and honestly, and seek to take care of their body, their family, their surrounding environment, and their community. There is strong connection of a person’s emotional and mental stability to endo-neurologic physiology and vice versa.
Endo-neurologic functioning has a “push pull” type of relationship with states of mind: various types of attachments or longings, the mental function that represents the need to dis-empower or put others down, psychic impairment, indulgence or gluttony, loss of confidence, the expression of traumatic annihilation anxieties, cruelty, shyness, shame, sadistic tendencies, envy, jealousy, tired or sleepiness, melancholia, perverse and peevish tendencies, the desire to acquire physical objects or mental experiences, infatuation, hatred, fear, hope, worry, mental effort, overall attachment, vanity, conscience, fear induced mental shock, the ability to observe and use the ego, avarice tendencies, the ability to display mental acts of hypocrisy, argumentative tendencies, the sentiment of repentance, the mental state to put a theory into practice (such as learning a new skill), the ability to express, the mental ability to contribute to the welfare of others, the ability to cultivate noble deeds, the ability to mental surrender, being repulsive in expression, and being courteous / kind in expression, the ability to comprehend mundane knowledge, the ability to mental comprehended spiritual knowledge.
Spirit of a Person
The spirit of a person is on a two levels that of the individual spirit, what some people call the the soul (Jiva), and that of the larger spirit (S'iva) what some may call, God, The great Mystery, Allah, Brahma, etc.
Terrance Mckenna explains clearly the problem of the ego which can be a major problem in spiritual development!
“I see the entire illness of our civilization as a ego inflationary illness. We have gone so sick with ego that we are literally murdering the planet rather than confronting the consequences of our psychic imbalance”.
The spirit is something greater than a person’s identity, is has a more profound and fulfilling meaning than a person identity. It is larger than language and brighter than can be seen with the naked eyes. All cultures around the world have adopted the attitude of a greater force operating.
Reductionism, materialism, and nihilism is often a antithesis to spirituality. The atheist and agnostic are not spiritual.
From Shrii Shrii Ananda Murti:
"O human beings, try to understand human needs and build an appropriate social system. Do not try to do anything for your petty personal or group interests, because nothing done with a narrow outlook bereft of Cosmic ideation will last. The cruel hand of time will obliterate all your achievements and plunge them into an oblivion you cannot fathom. It is not necessary to study books to know how to move, what to build, what to break, what to preserve. You should look upon every living being of this universe with sincere feelings of love and compassion. Only then will you realize that whatever you break, build or preserve is already contained within and vibrated by the flow of the blissful Macrocosmic Entity. Through action mixed with devotion and knowledge you will discover the life of your life, the supreme treasure of your inner being, that Supreme Entity, which you have unknowingly kept hidden in the golden temple of your heart".
Árnason, Ú., & Hallström, B. (2020). The reversal of human phylogeny: Homo left Africa as erectus, came back as sapiens sapiens. Hereditas, 157(1), 51. doi:10.1186/s41065-020-00163-9
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